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We ship to: Aruba, Austria, Albania, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Armenia, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Barbados, Bangladesh, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Bahrain, Burundi, Benin, Bermuda, Brunei Darussalam, Bolivia, Brazil, Bahamas, Bhutan, Botswana, Belize, Canada, Congo-Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire, Cook Islands, Chile, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Cabo Verde, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Dominica, Germany, Dominican Republic, Algeria, Ecuador, Estonia, Egypt, Spain, Ethiopia, Fiji, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, France, Gabon, Grenada, Georgia, French Guiana, Guernsey, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Gambia, Guinea, Guadeloupe, Equatorial Guinea, Greece, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Hong Kong SAR, Honduras, Haiti, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Isle of Man, India, Iceland, Italy, Jersey, Jamaica, Jordan, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Kiribati, Comoros, St. Kitts and Nevis, South Korea, Kuwait, Cayman Islands, Kazakhstan, Laos, Lebanon, St. Lucia, Liechtenstein, Liberia, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Morocco, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Madagascar, North Macedonia, Mongolia, Macau SAR, Martinique, Mauritania, Montserrat, Malta, Mauritius, Maldives, Malawi, Mexico, Malaysia, Namibia, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Romania, Finland, United Kingdom, St. Barthélemy, Switzerland, Curaçao, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, St. Martin, Mozambique, New Caledonia, Norway, Nepal, Nauru, Niue, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Peru, French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Paraguay, Qatar, Réunion, Serbia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Solomon Islands, Seychelles, Sudan, Sweden, Singapore, St. Helena, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sierra Leone, San Marino, Suriname, São Tomé and Príncipe, El Salvador, Sint Maarten, Eswatini, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Tonga, Turkey, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Taiwan, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, British Virgin Islands, Vietnam, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Samoa, Mayotte, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Please note that Taxes & Duties are not calculated at checkout and are the customer's responsibility. International customers are entitled to receive an additional bill from the courier once the package passes customs or following delivery. Please note that these fees are imposed by your customs office and are NOT from MOROTAI. If you do not pay the fees or decide to reject your order, your package will be returned back to MOROTAI and we will refund you the cost of the order excluding shipping.