Are Taxes & Duties calculated at checkout?

We offer a Taxes & Duties prepaid option called DHL Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) at checkout for select countries. However, please note that each country has different thresholds put in place that do not allow for a Taxes & Duties prepaid option at checkout if the order value exceeds a certain amount. Should you choose not to use DHL DDP, you can opt to use Taxes & Duties Unpaid through DHL depending on your preference, also known as Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU). If you decide to use a DDU courier option, you will receive a bill from the courier directly. Please note that these fees are imposed by your customs office and NOT from, or collected by, MOROTAI. If you do not pay the fees or decide to reject your order, your package will be returned back to MOROTAI and we will refund you the cost of the order, excluding the cost of shipping, once the package arrives back at our warehouse.